Saturday, February 21, 2009

Journey to Japan, Part 2: Monkey Business

Monday morning in the 'hood.

I love the traditional triangular roof tiles.

Local graffiti. I wonder what it says.

Shannon, Nick, & Caitlin: Looking satisfied after their pancake breakfast.

Over 1000 monkeys await in the park beyond the bridge...

...and all manner of sea creatures dwell within the aquarium's walls

Ah, the sea! How I'd missed you.

Monkey bones.

We weren't told that we'd be risking life and limb.


Doing what monkeys do best.

"You stoke the furnace, kid. I'm not moving a muscle."

Feeding frenzy.

The young at play.

"Dude, you're hogging all the heat."

To the right of the fence is monkey only territory.

Feeding frenzy 2

Three primates leaving the park.

What a majestic creature.

I told him I was his biggest fan. He gave me his autograph too.

Beware of dolphins.
They'd rip you limb from limb if they had the chance.

What strange creatures. I feel as if I am an intruder on another planet.
(Possibly Arakis, from the Frank Herbert's Dune novels.)

What graceful, alien creatures. They changed their colour in sync.

Fukuoka's Yahoo! Dome

One more dream realized: I shook a cast of Billy Joel's hand.

Dinner anyone?

Monday night at Hard Rock. Finally, some quality "Western food."

"I'll be DD tonight, guys"

At the saki bar, still Monday night.
(Sorry soju, I've been cheating on you.)

The tradition here is to poor the saki until it overflows the brim.
Pretty good tradition, if you ask me.

Entering Canal City: an endless shopping complex with a canal running through its midst

Me and Pikachu: best buds

An entire store of Miyazaki products! The Totoro toilet seats were strangely fascinating.

We managed to avoid Beppu's Hello Kitty land, but not this store...

Timone and Pumba: Edward Scissorhands style.

Taking to the skies once more. So long Japan!

1 comment:

ColinB said...

Awesome pictures! But I can't tell which one is you and which is Pikachu?