Saturday, January 31, 2009

Journey to Japan, Part 1: The Seven Hells of Beppu

On Friday night, after my evening classes at BCM, I met Nick and Shannon at their ridiculously spacious loft of an apartment in Uijeongbu, along with their friend Kaitlin. We ate a late night dinner at their favorite galbi restaurant, then stayed up into the wee hours of the morning, drinking, sharing work stories, and watching youtube videos, until we had to leave for the airport in Incheon. By the time the bus pulled up at the gate, a blizzard was underway, and we were relived to be leaving the stinging sub-zero temperatures of Seoul behind for the "sub-tropical" climes of Beppu. Little did we know, we would shortly be braving life and limb (and bank accounts) as we faced sulfurous pits full of scalding water, boiling geysers, giant reptiles, icy cliffs, a scourge of killer monkeys, man-eating dolphins, and dastardly foreign exchange rates.

View from the plane window, prior to liftoff : the rising sun on the snow blanketed runway.

Snow-flecked peaks of Japan, as seen on the drive from Fukuoka to Beppu

Statue commemorating Beppu's "father of tourism."
Apparently, he liked to fling babies around on his coattails.

Our hostel: not just any hostel, but a "Spa Hostel", featuring our own private onsen, or bathing facility supplied by natural subterranian spring water.

The hotspring gremlin, mascot of Beppu's "Seven Hells". I forgot to pick one up at the gift shop on the way out. My one and only regret.

Me, Nick, Shannon, & Kaitlin take our first dip. Hot-diggity-dog.

Tired, but eager to see the sights, we ventured into the first one of the seven "Jigokus" or Hells that Saturday evening. We weren't dissapointed. Exotic colours and sulpherous smells... ahhh!

Night view from Beppu Tower, downtown core.
The city is far larger than my camera permits.

Nick & Shannon brave another gate of hell...

Devilish brew

Notice the gremlin waterspout in the background

Little shrines are a common sight everywhere you go.

What a friendly sign!

Chillin' in the foot bath.

Aarrgh! The bog of eternal stench.

Your worst nightmare!

Feelin' hot, hot, hot!

Wait, did you say something about crocodiles?

Hey Mr. hell spawn! Yeah, I'm talking to you.

Hey guys? Can you pull me up now? They're looking peckish...

There was a sex museum opposite the entrance to Oniyama Hell hotspring, boasting an eclectic mix of classical erotica to not-so-classy exhibits. Fitting location. We couldn't resist a peak.

These compact vehicles and mini-mini-vans were everywhere.

After descending into Hell, we took to the heavens via Gondolla...

...and discovered a snowy paradise.

Onsen time! This one was outdoors, with a view of the entire bay, and featured several pools of varying temperatures. The hot water and cool air provided the ultimate in relaxation-sensation!

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