Wednesday, July 15, 2009

You know you are an ESL teacher in Korea when:

10) Owning merely one hand-held electronic device qualifies you as a luddite.

9) Just about anything edible is rumored to be an excellent source of “stamina”.

8) Nobody's pet dog would stand a chance against your tabby cat back home.

7) You catch your students humming the cheesy (English) chorus of the most recent K-pop hit.

6) The trajectory of a sober pedestrian is almost as predictable as that of a drunk one.

5) You stop taking your “double-eyelids” for granted. (See: most wanted surgical procedure)

4) Every time you call in sick, your boss sends a reconnaissance agent to your appartment.

3) You walk into a “barber shop”, "cafe", or "karaoke parlor", only to discover they aren't in the hair-trimming/coffee/singing business.

2) You are no longer puzzled by trendy t-shirts featuring cryptic English slogans, such as: “Down with the King?” and “Choose Juicy”.

1) One decade after the release of Star Craft, elementary kids who don't otherwise understand a lick of English can still be heard at recess, shouting in spot-on American accents: “Your base is under attack!” (Var: “Your face is under attack!”)

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